1362 Orlando Court, Oshawa
This property was my first Investment property in Oshawa. Purchased in November 2011, this house located within Oshawa North was just outside of the "Rental Licensing Area" but still Close to Durham College and Ontario Tech University (Formerly UOIT). This house was used as a student rental assisting students of Durham College and UOIT. Not only has this house seen a huge increase in value, it cashflows amazingly every month and has had never been vacant. This Property Was Sold In Early 2017 and Almost Doubled In Value in the 5 years we owned it.

372 Garden Court, Oshawa
This property was purchased in March of 2013 as a student rental. It is located in Oshawa North and required an extensive amount of work. We added a bedroom and updated plumbing and electrical within the house.
This house had a positive cashflow every month and has also shown great appreciation in value. It has 4 rental bedrooms on the main level and a 1 bedroom apartment in the basement. Plus a massive workshop/garage.
This property was sold in early 2017 for almost double the price that we paid for. Not too bad for only owning this home for 4 years

310 Albert Street, Oshawa
This property was purchased in February 2015, this house was a non-legal 2 unit property.
The property was renovated and legalized as a legal - 2 unit property. Renovations consisited of electrical, plumbing, cosmetic and minor structural. Rents collected for this house total $2,580 per month. This house was a huge learning curve for me as it was the first time I had to take tenants to the Landlord Tenant Board for non payment of rents. This ladies and gentleman is what happends when you rush filling a vacantcy. My advise to any new or experienced landlords is NEVER rush to fill a vacantcy. Having a unit empty for 1 month is better than 4 months of non payment, paralegal fees and then having to fix up a place that was trashed. a great tenant screening service that I would recomend is Naborly, Best part is they are free to use. They make their money on being able to offer prospective tenants their renters insurance.......
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