TOP 3 Best Neighborhoods In Ajax Ontario To Live In
This video will outline the TOP 3 Best Neighborhoods In Ajax Ontario To Live In
Top 3 Best Neighborhoods In Ajax Ontario To Live In
TOP 3 Best Neighborhoods In Ajax Ontario To Live In is a video to help people who are looking to move to #Ajax #Ontario and want a little more insight on what it is like to eat, sleep, play, live and work here. It also helps explain what are the top areas to live. Depending on your Lifestyle, Family, Demographics and Wants, Ajax has a Neighborhood for you.
Becuase Ajax Only has 7 Neighborhoods based on the Toronto MLS, instead of doing my typical "TOP 5", I decided to have 3 categories and ranked the top 3 neighborhoods based on:
Best Neighborhoods Based On Affordability
Best Neighborhoods Based On School Rankings
Best Neighborhoods Based On Real Estate Activity.
I hope you enjoy and will reach out if you have any questions.
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