If you are contemplating moving to Whitby, the videos below will give a better understanding of what life is like on the eastern part of the Greater Toronto Area In Whitby Ontario.  Although I have lived in the Durham region since 2012/13, I am a farily new resident to Whitby Ontario having only lived here since December 2019 but so far it is a great place to live for my family and I.  Having 2 small kids has allowed me to appreciate the family friendliness of Whitby.  Alot of the people I have encountered have been long time residents and have so much positive to say. 

Top 6 Things To Know When Living In Whitby Ontario
Whitby Ontario
The TRUE Cost To Live In Whitby Ontario
Cost of Living In Whitby Ontario
Moving To Whitby - Top Schools In Whitby Ontario
Living In Whitby
Whitby: Home Selling Process Made EASY
Whitby Ontario
Whitby: Best Time To Sell A House For Top Dollar
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Living In Whitby - High Crime Areas?
Living In Whitby - Safest and Most Dangerous Areas To LIve
Where Are The Safest Areas To Live?
Living In Whitby - Downtown Whitby Tour
Downtown Whitby
How Is Whitby's Downtown
Living In Whitby |Why We Moved To Whitby|
Whitby Ontario
Does It Appeal To You?
Why People Leave Whitby, Ontario
Living In Whitby
Exploring Reasons and Perspectives
Whitby Most Expensive Streets in 2023!
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Are The Homes That Nice?
Living In Whitby - Downtown Whitby
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How Is It?
TOP 5 Best Neighborhoods In Whitby Ontario To Live In
Whitby Ontario
Whitby Ontario City Tour Google Maps Style
Google Maps - Whitby Ontario
Massive PROBLEMS In The Whitby Housing Market!
LIving In Whitby
Whitby: Questions To Ask A Realtor
Living In Whitby
Whitby: Cost Of Selling A House With A Realtor
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Living In Whitby - Whitby's Beach Explored
Living In Whitby
Whitby Has Beaches?
Living in Whitby
Unless You Can Handle These Negatives!!!
Living in Whitby Ontario [ WHITBY EXPLAINED]
Moving To Whitby
What's It Really Like?
Whitby, Ontario: A Complete Guide
living in whitby
For Those Considering A Move!
Living In Whitby - Blue Grass Meadows
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How Is It?
Watch Before Looking At Whitby Homes For Sale
Pros and Cons of Whitby Ontario
Whitby New Homes | Minto Ivy Ridge
Minto Communities
Whitby: How To Get Your House Ready To Sell
Whitby Ontario
Whitby: Is Now The Best Time To Sell Your Home
Living in Whitby
Living In Whitby - Main SHOPPING Areas In Whitby
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Living In Whitby: Driverless Buses
Living In WHitby
Are They Safe?
Should I Move To Whiby Ontario?
Living In Whitby
10 Reasons Why You Should
Why People are Moving To Whitby
Living in Whitby
Whitby's Wonders: 7 IRRESISTIBLE Reasons
Whitby | Exploring 3 Expensive Neighborhoods!
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Is It Worth It?
Living In Whitby - Brooklin
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How Is It?


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